Taking Control of Your Pill Case Is More Than a New Year’s Resolution

2 min readJan 9, 2024


It’s 2024 and most of us are looking forward to a more promising year than the last.

Yet, when it comes to managing our medication regimen, the new resolution is often less than perfect and leaves us falling back into old habits.

Even with the best of intentions, the resolution “to do better” with taking meds is too vague. People might resolve to “take medications regularly” without really defining what that means when it comes to their specific routine. Resolutions like this lack clarity and do not take into account the reality of managing multiple medications, different dosing schedules, and potential side effects if not taken properly. This vagueness often leads to problems down the road.

Most resolutions at the beginning of the year, in general, often lack a real plan of action. The initial enthusiasm wears off as the reality of daily life sets in. This is why complex medication regimens require more — careful planning and usually assistance of some kind from a caregiver and care providers. No real plan means inconsistencies that lead to ineffective treatment and potential health risks.

Often, we set lofty goals with the all-or-nothing mindset. Missing a dose or two can lead to feelings of failure and discouragement, causing you to abandon a resolution entirely. This way of thinking, unfortunately, overlooks the fact that managing medication regimens is a continuous process that oftentimes requires support and guidance.

No impromptu resolution can address the everyday challenges of medication adherence. Concerns such as unexpected side effects, dosing schedules, stress or medication fatigue are not resolved by sheer willpower. Addressing these issues requires a more holistic approach, which includes a team attitude involving healthcare providers and professionals, accepting help and care from family members, loading or helping loading your pill cases in advance to reduce stress, and also being organized and systematic with your pill cases.

Taking advantage of smart technology through a medication management app can offer optimum pill case management, refill reminders, and smart alerts. These tools have become much simpler and easy to use with the popularity of Telehealth.

Of course, any new year resolutions that get you percolating on how to make self-improvements for the upcoming year is a good start in itself. But when it comes to taking your meds, success with how you manage this in the future requires specific, realistic goals, a willingness to use smart technology and a common sense plan.

Myra A. Green, M.A., M.Ed.

#medicationmanagement #healthylife #apothewell #telehealth




Written by Apothewell


Apothewell is a complete solution built with you in mind. We limit medication-related accidents, simplify complex regimens, and relieve stress.

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